Elevator Pitch: The Mentor Method

Imagine if you had become Dangerous in Spanish last month - when could you have used that skill? The biggest setback so far may have been just starting, and not the language acquisition itself.

Are you struggling to stay motivated and focused in your Spanish learning journey? Do you find it difficult to keep up with the pace of Spanish conversation? 

With just 20 minutes a day for 4 weeks, we provide a practical approach to language learning that you can complete from the comfort of your own home.

Our focus is on context in language learning, so you'll learn by hearing and saying words and phrases in practical situations. It's a passive process, like learning song lyrics. You simply enjoy the sounds and let the language seep into your subconscious. 

Now, ask yourself: Are you ready to transform your life by learning Spanish? I know you are, because you're here reading this right now. Some people say they want to learn Spanish, but they're not as committed as you are. They make excuses about not having enough time or money, but we know you don't let these obstacles hold you back from achieving your dreams. When have time or money ever stopped you from pursuing something you truly believe in?

If you’re wanting to learn within the next two months Press the button below and if not within the next two months there’s a different button for that - So click that one!


What's the dollar amount of instantly acquiring Spanish to you?